Thursday, June 11, 2020

Revisiting Jane's Earlier Volunteer Work

Kiddies, I've been having a delightful time following Jane's volunteer work at the rehab clinic. And, as a new case of scotch arrived at Winsome Headquarters today, I thought it would be fun to read over her previous work as a volunteer at the women's center.

Here are a few of the highlights, in Jane's own words.

Saturday, July 4, 2015:
Tonight I went out to a fireworks display with some young women from my group. I’ve been volunteering my time at a women’s center, giving young women dating advice and tips on other social interactions. It actually feels quite good to truly be making a difference, molding the minds and lives of impressionable young women. And it was fun sharing a drink with them while we watched the fireworks.

Monday, August 17, 2015:
I took some of the girls from the women's center out to one of my favorite bars over the weekend. We had such a good time, and apparently two of them continued the festivities right through today, missing their afternoon meeting. The center called me to ask if I'd seen them, and I assured them they must have gone home with the young men who had been chatting them up. It feels good to have such a positive effect on these troubled women.

Wednesday, September 16, 2015:
As a special treat, I took some of the women from my group out to get their nails done. They had a lovely time. As we were leaving the salon, one of them said they all needed to get going to their self-defense class. But I convinced them that a class like that could ruin all the beautiful work that was done, and instead we all went out for a mid-afternoon martini.

Wednesday, September 30, 2015:
Yesterday I showed up at the women's center, ready to take the girls out for another fun night on the town. But when I got there, the head of the center told me she'd already made reservations for us at the local bowling alley. She must have made a hasty choice because the place lacked a bar. So I drove the girls across town to a bowling alley where there is a fun atmosphere, because I know these young women like to drink. We had such a good time, and I didn't think of Glenn even once the entire evening.

Sunday, November 1, 2015:
The Halloween party at the women's center was a total success. The girls outdid themselves, exceeding even my expectations in the amount of alcohol they contributed. The center hadn't budgeted for a band, so Edward made me a copy of his new Halloween mix tape, which everyone seemed to enjoy. And the girls sure were surprised when the men started showing up. I'd assumed they'd each invite a date, but early in the evening I saw that this wasn't the case. So I sneaked out for a moment to some of the neighborhood bars, and told the men there that we were having a party with plenty of free alcohol. That's when things really got swinging. The party was so successful that the head of the center told me the girls would no longer need my help. But I assured her there was still plenty I would do to improve the girls' lives.

Thursday, May 5, 2016:
Spring is in the air. So today I helped the girls at the women's center create online personal ads to find them some men for this weekend. I was surprised to learn that none of the girls had any appropriate photos of themselves, so I had them pose provocatively and snapped some shots with my phone. I was running out of time, so for the last couple of girls we just used their driver's license photos.

December 3, 2017:
For the holiday season, I've decided to do my part for the community and go back to my social work. The women's center was not as welcoming as I would have expected, so I will be running my own group, holding meetings at various bars in the area every Saturday night from now until Christmas. Of all the girls I used to help at the women's center, only two still attend, so I know my methods are successful. I caught those final two women before they went inside the center last night, and told them about my plan. Though wary at first, the two women soon took to my ideas and by their third drink promised me they would not only attend my meetings and avoid the women's center, but would recruit other women in need to join us.

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