Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Unusual Activity At Winsome Headquarters

A few days ago, after noting some strange behavior from the Mexican maid, I instructed Cindy to keep an eye on her for me. And Cindy has done just that. Today she told me that the maid has been vomiting. If the aliens did implant a listening device inside the maid, this could be a sign of her body trying to reject it. It seems more and more certain that the aliens are still trying to monitor my activity. As a precaution I've secured the maid to a chair behind Winsome Headquarters, and told Cindy to stand watch from a window and keep me apprised of any developments in her condition.

Monday, January 28, 2019

Spread The Word

Help spread the word, Kiddies! Rather than donating to charity anonymously, donate as "A fan of Grandmother's Fanny Game."

Sunday, January 27, 2019

Grandmother Winsome's Tips For Better Living

If you have extra space in your cellar, collect stray cats and dogs from the neighborhood and leave them down there. Then keep an eye on the nearby telephone poles for any fliers offering rewards for their safe return.

Saturday, January 26, 2019

Cindy's Job At The Birch Street Nursing Home

Today at the Birch Street Nursing Home, Mrs. Patterson attacked Mrs. Kunkle. I was downstairs, cleaning fingerprints off the windows, when I heard the loud thud and scream. I rushed to Mrs. Patterson's room, where Mrs. Patterson had knocked Mrs. Kunkle to the floor and was standing over her, keeping her down with a broom. "I got her this time," Mrs. Patterson shouted at me. "This woman keeps coming into my room, stealing from me. She's working for Mrs. Shimshack." After I helped Mrs. Kunkle up, I tried to calm Mrs. Patterson down by explaining that Mrs. Kunkle has a disorder that makes her need to touch the light switches and windows several times a day. I told Mrs. Patterson that Mrs. Kunkle was not stealing from her, and reminded her once again that Mrs. Shimshack is dead. But Mrs. Patterson did not seem convinced. It was at that moment that I decided I would need to create a concoction to cure Mrs. Kunkle's disorder.

Friday, January 25, 2019

Unusual Activity At Winsome Headquarters

Kiddies, I've been back from Winsome Auxiliary Building G for a few days now, and I've noticed some strange behavior from the Mexican maid. She has been lingering over my laboratory equipment when doing her dusting, and spending a lot of time in the bathroom. I fear she may have been compromised by the alien presence while I was gone. It occurs to me that the aliens could have easily taken the Mexican maid and planted some sort of listening device somewhere inside her. So I told the maid to lie on the floor, and ran a metal detector over her entire body. That didn't turn up anything, but that doesn't necessarily mean that no device is present. So to be on the safe side, I've ceased speaking to the Mexican maid about anything important. Of course, I've never allowed her to learn to read or write, so if there is something I need her to do that I wish to remain secret, I will simply pantomime the required activity. I told Cindy to keep an eye on the maid, for if her strange behavior continues, I will have no choice but to rely on my brief experience as an amateur surgeon to discover the location of the alien device.

Thursday, January 24, 2019

Spread The Word

Help spread the word, Kiddies! If you work as a hairstylist, always turn the salon gossip to Grandmother's Fanny Game. For example, ask your clients, "What do you think Cindy will do this week at the Birch Street Nursing Home?"

Wednesday, January 23, 2019

Grandmother Winsome's Tips For Better Living

Kiddies, whenever you watch a sporting event on television, keep your laptop computer open. Then when the game breaks for a series of commercials, rather than getting angry, you can watch your favorite episodes of Grandmother Winsome's Variety Minute until play resumes.

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Edward's "For Your Information"

Wearing your Santa Claus outfit makes it easier to convince children it is safe to accept a ride from you.

Monday, January 21, 2019

Away From Winsome Headquarters

Greetings from Winsome Auxiliary Building G. The Mexican maid just called to alert me that the lights have stopped flickering at Winsome Headquarters, so it seems the alien surveillance there is at an end. I'm heading home, Kiddies!

Sunday, January 20, 2019

Away From Winsome Headquarters

This is Grandmother Winsome reporting from Winsome Auxiliary Building G. Earlier this morning, I recalled the combination to the old safe I'd hidden beneath the floorboards in the back closet. In the safe I found a large manila envelope containing special papers and documents. One of those papers was a hastily written note listing the location where a man was being secretly held until I could question him about an important matter. But unfortunately many years passed and I never got back to him, and doubt he would be of much use to me now.

Saturday, January 19, 2019

Cindy's Job At The Birch Street Nursing Home

Today at the Birch Street Nursing Home I had a little trouble with Mr. Matthews. He said he caught Mrs. Kunkle's disease and had to touch me seven times a day, and since I am there only once a week, he had to touch me forty-nine times to make up for the other days. While he was doing that, Mrs. Kunkle came in on her rounds to touch Mr. Matthews' light switch and window. Later Mrs. Kunkle explained to me that her disorder is not contagious and that if Mr. Matthews claims he caught it from her, he is pulling my leg.

Spread The Word

Joining several local organizations whatever they might beprovides you with new opportunities to spread the word about Grandmother Winsome and the wonderful Grandmother's Fanny Game blog.

Friday, January 18, 2019

Dating Tips From The Winsome Women

Remember, Kiddies, a pink handkerchief in a man's back pocket means he is a fan of Grandmother Winsome, and so is a good catch.

Thursday, January 17, 2019

Away From Winsome Headquarters

This is Grandmother Winsome reporting from Winsome Auxiliary Building G. I have an update, Kiddies. The power is back on at Winsome Headquarters, so the Mexican maid is able to do her vacuuming and other chores. She told me, however, that the lights still flicker from time to time, so the aliens may still be present. I've ordered the Mexican maid to spend the nights on the roof, watching for any extraterrestrial activity, and to alert me of any developments. I instructed her to cover herself in pine tar to blend in with the shingles.

Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Away From Winsome Headquarters

This is Grandmother Winsome reporting from Winsome Auxiliary Building G. I will be conducting Winsome Family business here until the possible alien surveillance of Winsome Headquarters is finished. Flickering lights a couple of days ago warned me of a potential alien presence. It's a good thing the cryogenic tanks in the basement are powered by a separate generator, for the Mexican maid just told me the electricity went out completely this morning, and has not come back on. I wouldn't want those cats defrosting prematurely. My decision to leave Winsome Headquarters has proved to be a wise one, and I'm pleased to be a safe distance from the aliens.

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Away From Winsome Headquarters

Kiddies, to avoid a possible alien abduction, I am conducting Winsome Family business from one of my auxiliary buildings. I'll be here until I am certain that any alien surveillance of Winsome Headquarters is concluded. It has been a while since I've used this building, and from what I can tell from my first day here, the area's population has decreased in the intervening years. Yet the cat population has grown. Also, cuts in the town's budget have resulted in there being only one police car. Those factors mean it will be easy to conduct some research while I'm here.

Monday, January 14, 2019

An Announcement From Winsome Headquarters

Kiddies, the lights have been flickering all morning. While the chances are slim that those fluctuations in the electric current were caused by aliens, Grandmother Winsome is not going to risk it. So, during the time that Winsome Headquarters may be under alien surveillance, I will be posting from one of the Winsome satellite buildings in a neighboring state.

Sunday, January 13, 2019

Grandmother Winsome's Tips For Better Living

Kiddies, work to establish a reputation of being something of a jokester. That way, should you happen to let something slip about your nighttime activities, people who know you won't take your comment too seriously.

Saturday, January 12, 2019

Cindy's Job At The Birch Street Nursing Home

Today at the Birch Street Nursing Home, I had a little trouble with the new patient, Mrs. Kunkle. When I was distributing the medicine, Mrs. Kunkle wasn't in her room. I eventually found her in Mr. Oliveras' room, where she was touching the light switch and counting out loud. When I handed her the medicine, she started to cry and said she'd have to start all over. After she left, Mr. Oliveras explained to me that Mrs. Kunkle has been going around to all the rooms seven times a day since she arrived, touching every light switch and window, and counting to eleven with each touch.

An Important Message From Grandmother Winsome

The national parks are being left unsupervised by government officials, making them ideal places to dispose of evidence this week. Kiddies, take advantage of the government shutdown!

Spread The Word

If you work as a football announcer on the radio, during those excruciatingly long replay reviews, when your listeners can't possibly have an opinion on the call, don't bore them by describing the play over and over. Instead, just wait for the refs to decide the call, and during that time read to your listeners the latest posts from the wonderful Grandmother's Fanny Game blog.

Friday, January 11, 2019

Grandmother Winsome's Tips For Better Living

If you work as a taxi driver and have to pick up a fare at the hospital, before letting him into your car, first crack the passenger side window and ask if he is contagious.

Thursday, January 10, 2019

Grandmother Winsome's Legal Advice

If a judge orders you to do community service, offer to read the Grandmother's Fanny Game blog posts to the blind. You'll be fulfilling your duty both to the state and to Grandmother Winsome.

Wednesday, January 9, 2019

Taking Down The Decorations

Today I decided it was finally time to take down the Christmas decorations from the walls of my shack. It took several hours to remove and organize the hundreds of photos of adorable children posed with me at the mall. I will store them in the special box with my Santa Claus outfit until the end of the year, when I will be adding to my collection.

Tuesday, January 8, 2019

Grandmother Winsome's Tips For Better Living

Kiddies, it is best to get your children vaccinated. You don't want to risk one of them dying from an easily preventable illness because then there is a likelihood the authorities and even the media will poke into your affairs.

Monday, January 7, 2019

Grandmother Winsome's Legal Advice

Although you have less privacy when using a library computer, the browser history will be full of all sorts of nutty searches that will send the authorities in many directions.

Sunday, January 6, 2019

A Winter Tip From Grandmother Winsome

Children who live in warm climates miss out on the fun of building snowmen in the winter. An easy substitute is to let them play in a walk-in freezer. They can scrape the frost off the frozen slabs of meat to cover the floor. They may not get enough frost for a snowman, but they will certainly be able to make snow angels. And they might get enough to make a few snow balls for a snow ball fight. Just be sure you keep the door securely closed while the children are in there. You don't want anything to melt and ruin their good fun.

Saturday, January 5, 2019

Cindy's Job At The Birch Street Nursing Home

Today at the Birch Street Nursing Home, I found a nice message from the head nurse on my list of chores. She thanked me for posting the ad in the classifieds about the three vacancies the home suddenly had. She wrote that my ad has already paid off, and that a new patient would be arriving today. And sure enough, this afternoon a car pulled up out front and dropped off a woman and her luggage. I brought the bags up to her room, got her settled in, then went to the main desk to write "Mrs. Kunkle" on the roster after crossing out "Mrs. Geffner."

Grandmother's Fanny Game Fan Poll

Kiddies, last week Cindy lost three of her friends over at the Birch Street Nursing Home. That reminded me of one of the questions you answered in the 2017 Fanny Game Fan Poll, which was "How many funerals have you attended over the past year?" I looked over the data, and decided to share the results. Most of you went to between four and six funerals in the year leading up to the Fanny Game Fan Poll. Several of you, however, reported going to no funerals at all, with some of you stating emphatically that you avoid them. One busy young man attended fifty-four funerals.

Friday, January 4, 2019

Grandmother Winsome's Tips For Better Living

Whenever you find a suitcase full of money, before going on a shopping spree, take a moment to inspect the bills to make sure they are not counterfeit. You don't want to give the authorities cause to search your home, if they manage to trace the bills back to you.

Thursday, January 3, 2019

Year Of The Grandmother, Indeed!

Kiddies, 2018 turned out to be quite a busy year here at Winsome Headquarters. We had a record 385 blog posts, more than double our previous high. It was indeed the Year of the Grandmother. And, Kiddies, 2019 promises to be just as exciting, since, as astrologers have declared, it is another Year of the Grandmother.

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

Dating Tips From The Winsome Women

When creating your profile for an online dating site, choose as your name "GrandmothersFannyGameFan." You will be certain to attract only the best people, while also helping to spread the word about my wonderful blog.

Tuesday, January 1, 2019

Dating Tips From The Winsome Women

If there's a good chance that your date will end up back at your place, make sure you've flushed the toilet before going out to meet him.