Monday, September 28, 2020

Grandmother Winsome's Legal Advice

Kiddies, it looks suspicious if you don't replant the flowers after you bury the bodies.

Saturday, September 26, 2020

Cindy's Job At The Birch Street Nursing Home

I was excited to get to the Birch Street Nursing Home today and tell Mrs. Lieberman about my school poker club, and that I had won a total of eighteen dollars this week. She was nearly as excited as I was about it, and was happy that I'd followed her advice to play for money. When I asked her why we don't play for money at the Birch Street Nursing Home, Mrs. Lieberman told me that she would love to, but she's looked into it, and none of the other patients have anything to play with.

Wednesday, September 23, 2020

Cindy's Poker Club

Today I won ten dollars playing poker at school, the same amount I would have made if I'd worked at the Birch Street Nursing Home. Mrs. Lieberman was right. Poker is much more exciting when you play for money.

Monday, September 21, 2020

Cindy's Poker Club

Today at recess I recruited two kids to be the first official members of my school poker club. We only had enough time to play a few hands, and they didn't have any money, but we still had a fun session. Both promised to save their lunch money for the game from now on, and to tell their friends about the club.

Saturday, September 19, 2020

Cindy's Job At The Birch Street Nursing Home

Before we played our first hand of poker this morning at the Birch Street Nursing Home, I told Mrs. Lieberman that I'm planning on starting a poker club at my school. She said it was a great idea, and then told me that playing for money makes poker even more exciting. When I said I didn't think the other kids would have much cash, she told me to have them save their lunch money each day and play with that.

Friday, September 18, 2020

Fanny Mail: A Mother Writes About Edward

Kiddies, I love getting letters and emails from my fans. And today I received a Fanny Mail about Edward. Sally Ramsey writes: "Dear Grandmother Winsome, the other day I had to work later than usual and did not get home before my son was dropped off from school. I was in a state of anxiety the entire drive home because my son is too young to be trusted with his own house key. But fortunately when I got home, Edward's ice cream truck was parked out front. Not only did Edward give my son a free ice cream cone, but he also invited him to play in the back of the truck until I arrived. Now little Ethan wants to be an ice cream truck driver when he grows up. It is comforting to know there are still decent people in the world."

That's wonderful, Sweetie. I will be sure to pass the word on to Edward.

Wednesday, September 16, 2020

Cindy's New School Project

School is going well, and I love getting the chance to see Sniffles The Seventh during recess every day, but I do miss playing poker and blackjack regularly. One day a week at the Birch Street Nursing Home just isn't enough. So I'm thinking of starting a poker club at school. If I hold the club outside at recess, then I'll still get to see Sniffles.

Monday, September 14, 2020

Grandmother Winsome's Legal Advice

Never be definitive in your responses to the authorities. You don't know what information they already have, and you want to be careful not to implicate yourself. Don't speak in absolutes, but rather use vague phrases such as "If I recall correctly" or "I think it might be" or "It was something like." By wording your responses like that, you can change your story later if necessary simply by stating that you now remember the details a little more clearly.

Saturday, September 12, 2020

Cindy's Job At The Birch Street Nursing Home

Today when I arrived at the Birch Street Nursing Home, the activity room was quiet. None of the patients were there, and the poker tables were not set up. Not knowing what was going on, I went upstairs to investigate. Mrs. Henley was startled when I entered her room, and asked me if it was Saturday. After I assured her it was, she got up to perform her chore of distributing the medicine. When I got to Mrs. Lieberman's room, she said she was glad I was there, and that we could now set up the poker tables. She told me that the nurses made all the patients stay in their own rooms to receive their food and medication, so there hadn't been any poker all week. Mrs. Lieberman and I let the other patients know that the poker club was on for today, and they came out of their rooms, eager to do their chores quickly so that they would have enough time to play many hands. Because of the strangeness of the morning, I completely forgot to tell Mr. Pearlman that I saw Sniffles The Seventh at school.

Thursday, September 10, 2020

Grandmother Winsome's Legal Advice

Be careful when disposing of evidence in those wildfires, Kiddies! They tend to move fast, and could change direction suddenly if the wind shifts.

Wednesday, September 9, 2020

Sniffles At School

Today was my second day back at school. All morning, I was looking forward to recess because that was the one chance I had to see Sniffles The Seventh, since his new owner is in a different classroom. As soon as recess was called, I ran outside and claimed a spot near the basketball hoop, because that is where Sniffles was yesterday. And sure enough, after a few minutes, Sniffles came racing over to me, his new owner doing his best to hold onto his harness. After I pet the dog and told him what a good boy he was, I introduced myself to the blind kid that Sniffles had dragged over. He told me his name was Julian and that he'd had the dog for two months, since his family moved to town. I told him I've known Sniffles for more than a year. Julian seemed confused, and said the guy at the seeing eye dog agency told him the dog's name was Vincent. After a moment, he said he thought Sniffles was a better name, and told me I could pet him whenever I wanted.

Tuesday, September 8, 2020

A Surprise At School

Today I returned to school for the first time since the beginning of the pandemic, and things sure were different. There were plastic shields around each desk, and we weren't allowed to touch anyone else's books or pencils. But the biggest surprise of the day came during recess. While I was trying to keep my distance from the other kids, a dog suddenly ran from near the basketball hoop and jumped on me. It was Sniffles The Seventh! I hadn't seen him since he ran off during the last fire drill at the Birch Street Nursing Home. Soon a teacher led a blind student over to retrieve the dog. They called Sniffles by a different name, Vincent, but he didn't seem to mind at all. I'm so glad to know he's okay.

Saturday, September 5, 2020

Cindy's Job At The Birch Street Nursing Home

For the past five months, I've worked at the Birch Street Nursing Home Monday through Saturday, and had a wonderful time. However, last night Grandmother called the head nurse and told her it was time I went back to school, since classes started two weeks ago. So today I told the patients that from now on I will be seeing them only on Saturdays again. They seemed a little sad, so I turned the radio up loud in the activity room, and everyone danced to the oldies.

Wednesday, September 2, 2020

Cindy's Job At The Birch Street Nursing Home

It was a beautiful day today at the Birch Street Nursing Home, so I took some of the patients on a walk. We went across the street to stroll through the Birch Street Cemetery and say hello to some old friends.

Tuesday, September 1, 2020

A Tip For Doctors

If you need to inform one of your patients that he is going to lose a limb, comfort him by reminding him that he does not need legs to read the Grandmother’s Fanny Game blog.