Tuesday, July 4, 2023

Cindy's Job At The Birch Street Nursing Home: Independence Day Edition

Mrs. Lieberman was thrilled when I got to the Birch Street Nursing Home this morning with my box of fireworks. I explained that her friend no longer lived at the address she'd given me, but that a guy named Manny came through for us. Because of the big box of fireworks, I wasn't able to carry any food or drink from Winsome Headquarters. So while the patients played a little poker, I took a quick walk to the grocery store to buy hot dogs, ice cream sandwiches, chips, soda, a new lighter and two containers of potato salad. In the afternoon when Mrs. Lieberman went outside to set up the fireworks display, I made a big pot of coffee so that all the patients could stay awake long enough to watch the show. The fireworks were incredible, and when each one exploded, it created such a loud boom that the patients shook in their folding chairs. Mrs. Lieberman was delighted, and told me I got much more than she'd expected for the five hundred dollars. At the end of the display, we all toasted Manny with our cups of soda.

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