Saturday, October 26, 2019

Cindy's Job At The Birch Streeting Nursing Home

Today we had our Halloween party in the activity room at the Birch Street Nursing Home. I dressed up as a mummy to give the patients a good scare. I had expected all the patients to dress up too, after I had made the special announcement last week about the festivities, but most of them had forgotten all about it during the week. Of the few that did dress up, Mrs. Kunkle went as the head nurse, carrying an empty wine bottle and constantly telling the others not to bother her with their problems, and Mr. Matthews went as Mr. Matthers, the character from his short story. He kept calling me Candy, the other character from his story, hoping I would play along and wear the little bathing suit he had found. But I told him it would take too long to get out of my mummy costume. Mr. Pearlman had the witch's broom I had made for him from his walking cane, but even after I struggled to get Sniffles The Seventh into his cat costume, I could not convince the seeing eye dog to stand near Mr. Pearlman. Hazel had the ghost costume I had made. Unfortunately, she refused to move from the chair in her room and join the others, so I just draped the sheet over her, making sure that the holes I had cut out for eyes were facing the window. Even though Mrs. Henley didn't have a costume, she seemed to have the best time of all the patients, eating extra portions of the medicine that I had painted to look like candy corn and teasing Mrs. Patterson about the return of Mrs. Shimshack from the grave. Mrs. Patterson was the only party-goer who seemed to actually get scared. To make the place spookier, I had removed all the light bulbs from the activity room, but most of the patients fell asleep before it was dark anyway.

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