Saturday, December 22, 2018

Cindy's Job At The Birch Street Nursing Home

Today at the Birch Street Nursing Home, my list of chores included putting up the Christmas decorations. I had put them up a few weeks ago, with the help of the patients. But the head nurse told me I had decorated too early, and instructed me to take them down. Now that I had to put them back up, I thought the patients would help again, and I could use that time to mix up a new batch of my body odor potion. However, this time the patients were not eager to help, many of them telling me that Christmas already happened. Mrs. Geffner asked if another year had already gone by. "It seems like just a few weeks ago we were putting these decorations up," she said. "Time is passing us by much too quickly." So I had to put up all the decorations myself. I did it as quickly as possible so that I could get to my body odor experiment. I am sad to report that the potion seemed to have no effect on the patients, at least not one that was apparent in the first six hours after I administered the dosage. So it's back to the drawing board with this one.

Near the end of my shift, the head nurse called to ask if I could work on Christmas. She offered the holiday rate of $15 a day, and I agreed.

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