Sunday, November 23, 2014

Getting That Great Gift: Jane's Holiday Experiment (Week #4)

My holiday is starting to look brighter. Last night I had my fourth date with Glenn, and I'm pleased to say that a lot of progress has been made. We didn't go bowling, as we did the first two dates. And the date didn't start at noon, as last week's did. This was a fully proper Saturday night date, with an elegant dinner at a restaurant with wait staff and utensils and cloth napkins. Glenn even picked me up, after I told him that my car had a flat tire.

The night went really well, and I even learned Glenn's last name. While I was glancing at the bill to get a tally on how much money he was spending, he placed his credit card down on it, and I was able to make out his entire name. I also noticed that the card is valid well into next year. This is important, in case I want to extend this experiment to my birthday. Of course, that all depends on what Glenn buys me for Christmas. But progress has been made, as he spent a large enough sum on this date, close to the amount of the three previous dates combined. So I'm now back on course to achieving my Christmas goal.

If you haven't picked a man yet, you still have a chance to attain that great gift. To get all eight dates in, which is the amount I calculated as necessary for receiving a substantial Christmas gift, set up two dates each week.  If necessary, you could allow for one mid-week date.

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