Saturday, September 14, 2019

Cindy's Job At The Birch Street Nursing Home

Today when I arrived at the Birch Street Nursing Home I was surprised to find Mrs. Patterson seated in front of the door to the basement. She had managed to move one of the heavy chairs from the activity room, and was seated facing the door. She had the fire extinguisher on her lap, and every so often would use it to tap on the door. When I asked her what she was doing, she said she was protecting the home from the thieving hands of Mrs. Shimshack, whom she was certain was lurking down in the basement. As long as Mrs. Patterson remained where she was, the way to my laboratory was blocked. But she refused to budge, telling me that it wouldn't be safe for me to go down there, that Mrs. Shimshack might have a weapon. So after a while I went out to the tool shed to retrieve a rake, which I then used to scratch at the front of the nursing home just outside the activity room. When I went back inside, Mrs. Patterson had already moved her chair to face the large window of that room, and was muttering to herself about the devious Mrs. Shimshack. I went down to the basement to work on my experiment.

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