Sunday, December 7, 2014

Getting That Great Gift: Jane's Holiday Experiment (Week #6)

This is the sixth week of my holiday experiment, in which I'm dating the same man for the eight weeks leading up to Christmas. I accepted two dates from Glenn this week to make up for the one we missed last week. So I am now back on track to meet the quota of eight dates before the big gift day.

I was able to get a hold of Glenn Tuesday night, and he agreed to meet for a drink Wednesday after he got off work. It was a brief date, and he didn't spend as much money as I'd planned. But I've decided that is all right, as it was a mid-week date.

Glenn wasn't available on Saturday, so for our second date, we met again for bowling Friday evening. Though it wasn't a fancy date, I was able to make use of it by bringing along some magazines and a few catalogues. Between frames, I pointed out some stylish items that I admired. Glenn might have inadvertently given away a hint of his purchase plans, because he all but ignored the first few items I pointed out to him, but then, regarding a particularly fine piece of jewelry, he said, "That is nice." So that he wouldn't forget, I slipped that catalogue, folded open to that page, into his bowling ball bag.

I'll make good use of the remaining two weeks to reinforce the idea that this necklace is the perfect choice for my Christmas gift.

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