Saturday, September 2, 2023

Cindy's Job At The Birch Street Nursing Home

Today at the Birch Street Nursing Home, while we were playing poker outside again, Mrs. Lieberman spotted a woman carrying flowers across the street to the Birch Street Cemetery. It was the first visitor any of us had ever seen at the Birch Street Cemetery. Mrs. Lieberman told me to keep an eye out for the woman, and to run over as soon as I saw her leaving and to persuade her to join them in the front yard. So that is what I did. I was so surprised when I learned who the woman was. She told me she had been looking up her family tree, and discovered she had an aunt that no one had talked about, and that aunt was Mrs. Lowe. I told the woman that I knew her aunt, and that made it easy to persuade her to go over to the Birch Street Nursing Home. The woman was excited to meet some of her aunt's old friends. Mrs. Lieberman told the woman that her aunt was one of the founding members of the poker club, and invited her to sit in for a few hands in her aunt's memory. And though the woman lost all the money she had with her in the game, she had a good time.

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