Today when I arrived at the Birch Street Nursing Home, I went straight up to see Mrs. Lieberman about her twitching eye. I decided last week that she would be the subject of my new experiment, but before getting to work on it, I wanted to take some measurements, to see how bad the twitch was, and how large an area it covered, so I would know how much ointment was needed. Because there were no vacant rooms when Mrs. Lieberman moved in two weeks ago, and because Hazel spends almost all her time in her chair, the head nurse placed Mrs. Lieberman in the same room, giving her the bed. And it was in that bed that I found Mrs. Lieberman this morning. As I began taking measurements, she woke up and tried to swat my ruler away. But I explained to her that I was there to help. The rest of the morning I spent down in my basement laboratory, mixing the ingredients I brought from Winsome Headquarters, to make a special ointment for her. After lunch, I applied the first layer of ointment to the area under her eye. Before I went home, I applied a second layer, then left the rest of the ointment on the nightstand with instructions that she should apply it three times a day. I hope that when I arrive at the Birch Street Nursing Home next Saturday, Mrs. Lieberman's distracting twitch will be gone.