Saturday, September 14, 2024

Cindy's Job At The Birch Street Nursing Home

After school on Monday, I took Mrs. Lieberman's gold necklace to the pawn shop, just like she asked me to. But the man there told me I had to be eighteen in order to sell him anything. I was disappointed, but then I remembered about Manny. When I bought fireworks from him this summer, I saw that he also had boxes of jewelry and electronics in his garage. So I went to his house to see if he might be interested in buying the necklace. He told me it was a beautiful piece and offered me $150 for it. I told him that I had to get at least $200, and he said that was fair. Today during my shift at the Birch Street Nursing Home, I gave the money to Mrs. Lieberman, and she was pleased. She slipped me a ten-dollar bill and said she'd have more jewelry for me to sell later.

Wednesday, September 11, 2024

Grandmother Winsome's Tips For Better Living

Wearing a gi, the traditional karate outfit, along with a black belt, in crowded squares and tourist spots will help deter pickpockets from bothering you.

Saturday, September 7, 2024

Cindy's Job At The Birch Street Nursing Home

Today at the Birch Street Nursing Home, Mrs. Lieberman pulled me aside and handed me a beautiful gold necklace that I'd never seen her wear. She asked me if I would take it to the pawn shop next week, but told me not to sell it unless I am offered at least two hundred dollars. I promised her I would go right after school on Monday.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Spread The Word

Help spread the word, Kiddies! In your answering machine message, state that you are busy checking the Grandmother's Fanny Game blog for updates and will return all calls once you're done.